If you are interested in having a Boxer baby join your family we are happy to provide you with information and guidance even if we do not have a baby available or a litter planned. We do not answer email enquiries. If you would like to discuss our babies or planned litters or Boxers in general please telephone and speak to us personally.
Each and every Boxer baby we bring into this world is precious to us.
Our litters are infrequent but when we do have a litter our time is dedicated to raising them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is nothing more pleasing than watching the youngsters grow, open their eyes, take their first steps, begin to explore and play. Watching as their individual personalities and characters gradually emerge. Stealing cuddles where their little tails wag so hard they beat against you in a happy energetic rhythm.
We are very proud of our boxer kids and spend time ensuring they go to only the of best homes.
Boxer’s are house dogs, they belong inside with the family, watching TV or cuddled up in bed. Yes they love to play outdoors and need the time spent exercising and socialising and importantly training to give them boundaries that help them to be good canine citizens. But when the day draws to a close the Boxer needs to be inside with his family.